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                The business scope

                Goods in and out of port, booking, customs clearance, inspection declaration, storage, loading and unloading, the issuance of the bill of lading, road transport, to complete services such as customs clearing.

                About us

                Lianyungang the sincere international logistics co., LTD

                    Lianyungang Uniwill Logistics Co., Ltd was established on April 12, 2005, with a registered capital of RMB 10 million. The legal representative is Zhu Yunping. The company is a first-level specialized company with agency qualification of international cargo transportation approved by relevant state departments, as well as the NVOCC certificate. Meanwhile, the company is the GCP member of JC TRANS and the member of WIFFA. Adhering to the principle of service and integrity” and taking the improvement of service quality as the foundation, the company maintains a steady development since its establishment and has won the trust and support of customers with high-quality services....

                News and information

                Company relies on with customs, commodity inspection, port group and other relevant departments of good relations of cooperation, has a long-term cooperation agreement with many ship companies.

                Company with "honesty, service" as the operating principles,Have a high professional quality,ability is strong, experienced staff team,Have a high professional quality, strong business capability, operations experience...
                Adhere to the "to be an honest man, to do a good faith" for the principle, to solve customer problems actively. Level of international cargo transport agency co., LTD


                Adhere to the "to be an honest man, to do a good faith" for the principle, positive for the customer solve various problems encountered in the process of transport of goods.