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                • 262016-05

                  The car brigade conveyance serves

                  My company owns his/her own main car brigade with connect cloud harbor harbor car conveyance company, connect cloud harbor Heng the Xin reach a car conveyance company, connect cloud harbor sea group car conveyance company, the salt city Yue...

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                • 262016-05

                  Pay customs duties report check service

                  The company owns to full-timely pay customs duties a member, report check member, can be valid for time to solve the customer pays customs duties in the import and export, report check, pay a tax and check to meet in the procedures like goo...

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                • 262016-05

                  Spread goods|plan goods

                  For need a special equipments to pack to unload of goods and can not use to gather to pack spreading of shipment goods, plan goods establishment from conveyance way, conveyance route and rent detailed solutions like ship,etc and conveyance...

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                • 262016-05

                  The whole case|put together service

                  The whole case|put together a box of goods, pass a service dragon of oversea branch and cooperation colleague, provide to trust most for each importer-exporter, service of the superior quality....

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                • 262016-05

                  The import and export orders cabin service

                  Have with famous shipping company in the world to act for contract, with the most special price, well make use of the advantage of each shipping company, for the customer provide quickly, accurate, convenient and high-quality service....

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